
An idea and a vision to create something to help others. The need for personal development, purpose and the pursuit of being the best version of ourself was paramount. The concept was as much of a creative passion project for myself. To be continually learning, growing and developing - sharing what I found was helpful for myself and in the hope that it may also be helpful for others. 

Two Wolves Syndicate created and founded with a strong focus on mindset, personal development and the importance of living a life with purpose, passion and adding value to others lives.

To inspire others to be better every day, to create a supportive community and to explore mindset, resilience and overcoming challenges we face in life.

A logo full of depth, connection and meaning

The ensō symbol encompasses the wolves. The ensō representing a path of enlightenment, strength and unclosed allowing for our journey of movement, development as well as the pursuit of excellence. 

We have our Wolves. Connected to the tale of the two wolves. We have the white wolf - representing all that is good. The other being the Darkness. The manifestation of evil, rage, anger and so much more. 

These are the two sides but of the same wolf. The representation of our emotions our light and dark sides.

A powerful metaphor for our personalities, our emotions and our mindset. 

These sides exist in us in a balance. How we choose to acknowledge and feed them is on us. 

The Dagger that sits in centre is double edged. Like our personalities and our emotions. The good v bad contrast. 

The dagger is a symbolic to Military and represents the warrior mindset. It represents an elite level of mindset, discipline and the relentless pursuit of excellence. 

All of these individual elements combined represent Two Wolves Syndicate